Monday, October 19, 2015

Hello Monday

This post is going to be short. Part because I didn't take a single photo this weekend, part because I woke up feeling achy in that "you're going to get a cold real soon way" and part because it's Monday. The photo above is of the beautiful dahlias in Brandon's grandparents garden and it's doing one heck of a job brightening up this otherwise grey and foggy day.
My weekend was really nice and was filled with friend time, family time, dog time and me time. Really just the perfect combination in my opinion. I also might have purchased the most amazingly cozy turtle neck sweater for any future grey and foggy days which I'm super excited to wear!
I'm looking forward to this week already (yay for more dates with friends and family!) and am currently counting down the days until daylight savings (it's 13) because it is far too dark on my drive to the gym these days.
Side Note: I randomly looked up the lyrics to Grease Lighting at work today and I was shocked at how dirty they were!! Gotta love my innocent mind as a child and how I simply loved the dance moves haha

Side Side Note: I hope all my Canadian bloggers are out voting today! 'tis important and i'll be heading to my local voting site as soon as I'm off work!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Live Simply

//print available here//
So I recently (yesterday) became obsessed with Thomas Rhetts new song "Die a Happy Man" . I heard it on the radio in the morning, bought it off iTunes instantly and have listened to it oh about 10 times since then. I've concluded that there are several reasons why I love this song:
1. Mr. Rhett has a very dreamy voice
2. He's super cute and somehow manages to embody both the rugged guy and pretty boy look at the same time.
3. The message in the song is so perfect! I love country music but between all the songs about trucks, boats, dirt and white tank tops this song about being happy with simplicity is so refreshing.
The chorus in this song ends with "Oh if all I got is your hand in my hand, Baby I could die a happy man." Obviously this is beyond sweet, and if Brandon ever said or sang this to me I would just melt but I also think it's an important thing for all of us ladies to remember. I feel like in the age of Pinterest, Instagram and even in blogging we can get too caught up in wanting/needing it all. Or thinking we can only truly love someone who can provide us with it all. But the goal should be to be perfectly happy by simply walking hand in hand with your significant other.
I've had the words "Live Simply" as my lock screen for a few weeks now and it's become a bit of a mantra to me. It's a nice reminder when you're trying to make decisions or get caught in the rabbit hole of social media. It's also really helped me in my personal style. And I feel like I'm overall more content when I remember to live simply.
So long story short... If you're looking for a new mantra I highly suggest this one and go listen to Thomas Rhett!
Happy Thursday! Best part of today? The TBT playlist on my commute home!!
Linking up with Joey!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Home Renovations: The Guest Room

We affectionately referred to this room as the "American Chopper Room". I'm sure there are many boys who would have loved this two toned beauty (Brandon may have shed a tear when that wallpaper border came down) but I wanted a relaxing guest room fit for my amazing friends and family. 



Ahhh this room just makes me relaxed. I wanted a super neutral vibe but with a dash of personality and I think the script wall does just that. I was inspired by this post. The writing says "and I'm here wishing you could stay a little longer", its from a Brother's Osbourne song that Brandon and I fell in love with this past summer. It's a great song and I couldn't resist the way it works so perfectly in a guest room.

The bedroom set is an old oak set that my Grandma gave me. I painted it with chalk paint to modernize it a bit. Awhile ago I took a furniture painting class with my aunt and did these extra details on one of the side tables. I can't wait to tackle more furniture projects in the future.

//Bearsy getting up close and personal with the side table...//

Cheers to Wednesday, enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Giving Thanks

This past weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving.  It's a holiday  focused on family and recognizing all that you should be thankful for. I spent it at Brandon's grandparents place in Nanaimo and it was a perfect weekend filled with, great company, good food, so many games of crib and a couple amazing nights sleep.

I love being reminded to not take my life for granted and say thanks for everything I have. Yesterday I made a list of a few of the things that make my life beautiful.

- My family. The group of people that I was given are the most extraordinary, loving, thoughtful and inspiring people I could have ever asked for. They each make my day better in their own unique ways. I am thankful for my husband, parents, sister, sister in-law, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and everyone in between.

- My home. This home represents hard work, sacrifices, lessons learned and still to be learned, self expression and love. I have never been more proud or scared of something at the same time. I am thankful for the four walls around me and the roof above me.

- My dog. I never could have imagined that a chubby four legged being who gnawed on my hands for 6 weeks straight and kept me up at night with his snoring could be considered a best friend. But Bear gave me purpose during the months that Brandon worked away. He kept the boredom at bay, made me laugh hysterically (cry occasionally) and was the sole reason I wasn't a lonely sad mess in a new house on my own. I am thankful for Mr Bearsy and his unconditional love.

- My health. At times this year I took my health for granted. Only in the sense that I haven't always done everything possible to maintain it. It is so very important to me and I cherish it more and more everyday for what it allows me to do. I am thankful for my capable body.

and on a less serious note....

I am thankful for sweatpants after turkey dinner.

I hope everyone had a fun, loving and full Thanksgiving weekend.
Linking up with Jordyn & Kristin for Tutu Tuesday.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Blogging in 25 Years

//Outfit Posts of the Future//
The other day I was watching a make-up tutorial on Youtube and I started to think about how crazy the internet is. This girl around my age is recording herself sharing tips and tricks for fall inspired make-up and I'm soaking it all in and appreciative of her suggestions and methods.
Obviously, as humans we've always shared information but this particular beauty vlogger is from the UK and it's not like I would have ever had the chance to sit across from her at a coffee shop and say "what concealer are you using?"
Then it made me think, will there be vloggers and bloggers handing out tips for grey coverage (or going au natural) or age appropriate eye shadow choices or handling menopause like a boss when we're 50, 60, 70 years old? Will we look for information on the internet?
But of course we will! We're of "that" generation.
And that thought made me so happy! I love the idea that I might be reading blogs from women who I saw get engaged, married and have babies then possibly send those babies to college, downsize to a smaller home and write about their grandchildren. How wild would that be!?
Just over here loving this community and how small it has made this huge world.
Do you think you'll be blogging in 25 years?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Couple of Things

I cannot stop wearing a half pony (see photo above). To the point where I have the Ariana Grande syndrome and now don't think my hair looks normal when its all down...

This morning at the gym, I walked into the change room and this girl was wearing the same outfit as me. The exact same tights and a very similar black tank. We were looking right at each other, we both knew we had the same outfit on. So I, of course, think this is hilarious and say "Nice outfit!" *insert cheesy smile*... what does she do? Stares me down and walks away! Lesson: she is not a morning person.

Apparently we are expecting a large storm to hit the BC Coast this weekend. And no joke this is what the weather map looks like....

Image: National Weather Service

alrighty then... hope your Wednesday (I can't bring myself to say hump day right now) is treating you well!


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Home Renovations: The Master Bedroom

What did they always say on MTV Cribs? "This is where the magic happens?" 

Our home was built about 40 years ago and it wasn't custom to have a big master bedroom with an en suite so it was important to me to make our "master" as stand out as possible without getting too crazy in such a little room. I wanted it to be equally masculine and feminine so both Brandon and I would feel comfortable there. 



We ended up lightening up the wall colour a bit to brighten the room up and installed faux brick paneling because who doesn't wish they lived in an industrial style loft? Our bed frame and curtains are from Ikea and I think that soft girly touch really balances out the brick and the dark side tables.

This room is still a work in progress. I want to add some artwork to the brick wall and I haven't found the right bedding. I just swap between the 3 or 4 random duvet covers and throw cushions we've accumulated. I honestly don't know what I'm looking for but I'm going with "when I see it I'll know". 

Any recommendations?
What does your dream master bedroom look like?

Linking up with Jordyn & Kristin for Tutu Tuesday.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Just Another Great Saturday & Sunday


Well first weekend of October you were a good'n! The last few years we've had such long summers! I mean 25 degrees (Celsius) in October? Sure sounds good :) I'm all about the fall coziness but when you want to wash your car or shop at an outdoor mall the nice weather sure is great!

Brandon and I have this chalkboard wall in our office and its so fun seeing what each of us add to the wall throughout the week. He might not look like the artistic type but Brandon is so good at sketches. All through high school he always had a little sketch book filled with different ideas and doodles. Now he has a huge wall to showcase his artwork!

On Saturday, Brandon and I had a "get things done day". I cleaned the house, did laundry, washed and vacuumed the cars and organized our fridge while Brandon drywalled and built us a shoe closet under the stairs! I think I need to go through my shoe collection because about 60% of them are still in a box to the right of this photo...also clearly Brandon positioned the shoes... what girl would put her gym shoes front and centre? #priorities
Sunday was another gorgeous one weather wise and I had it all to myself since Brandon was watching football at a buddies all day. My day started slow since I was trying to catch up on some tele and fold laundry. Then I took my time getting ready and tried out a new pallet from L.A. Girl that I found at Marshalls! The snap above doesn't really do the eye shadow justice but it was filled with golds, roses and shimmery neutrals that will be so nice for fall!
Midway through the day I got the urge to shop and ended up at an outdoor mall nearby with my Mum. I hit the jackpot at H&M and bought like 6 new shirts! Everything from casual sweaters to blouses. I'm pretty much golden from now until February.

Post shopping, Bearsy and I went for a nice long walk and a game of fetch in the park. Our treat on the way home was a couple of beautiful blooms from the "dahlia lady" on our street who gives away her gorgeous flowers at the end of the season. Don't mind if I do.
Our night ended with sushi at our place with friends and an hour of reading in bed. Sigh... why do weekends have to end so quickly? Bonus though... next weekend is a long weekend (yay!) and we are heading over to Nanaimo for Thanksgiving celebrations.
How was your weekend?
Did you get to enjoy the gorgeous fall weather? 
Linking up with Bianna from B Loved Boston!

Friday, October 2, 2015

The Workout Necessities

As I mentioned yesterday, I've recently got my groove back when it comes to working out and one of my main goals this month is to keep that momentum going. Throughout my fitness journey I've come to the realization that there is a short list of things required to get my butt in the gym and have a good workout.

1. Get it done in the AM: Yes you will have to wake up an hour earlier. Yes its fall and it's dark at 5am and yes your bed is so very warm and comfy. But will you actually go to the gym after a long day at work?...No.

I like morning workouts for a few of reasons. 1) I end up feeling accomplished all day 2) its super easy to slide out of bed, throw your hair up and get into workout clothes. Much easier in fact than packing a gym bag, taking off your make-up and hoping you remembered to throw deodorant in your purse and 3) the other people working out with you in the morning are there to work out too, nobody, I repeat NOBODY is at the gym at 6am to pick you up with cheesy lines or stare at your ass while you do mountain climbers,

2. Taking a Pre-workout and eating a Banana: I'm not a huge supporter of supplements. I've witnessed people lose weight and gain muscle in healthy and unhealthy ways and those who did it the healthy way look better and have been able to maintain their fitness. I do however, believe in the benefits of taking a pre-workout. It really does give you a little extra oomph and gets you too that next level of sweat. I personally like the Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer. It does it's job and I don't feel jittery and shakey at all.

Because I usually work out in the morning I don't typically eat breakfast before. My body responds well to fasted cardio and I rarely feel lightheaded during my workouts. BUT if I know that I want to push extra hard or have a metabolic style workout planned, then I'll eat a banana before just to have some extra energy. I always eat a breakfast afterwards and usually have a protein shake too.

3. Being comfortable in my Workout Gear: This is a big one for me. I like to feel put together when I'm working out in the sense that I want my clothes to fit properly and look half decent. I don't want my boobs popping out or feel like I need to keep pulling up my pants. It just shouldn't be something I need to worry about. I like working out in tight capris, racer back style tanks and supportive sports bras. This line-up makes me feel secure and confident and is cute enough to grab groceries or a coffee with a friend post work out. My favourite place to shop for workout gear is Old Navy, they have a great selection and are reasonably priced!

4. Having a pre-planned workout: I've never been super structured in this department but i know that I've had more success when I walked into the gym already knowing what I wanted to do. Even if it's as simple as "leg day", "arm day" or "cardio". I like to find different interval workouts or circuits to follow since it takes your head out of the equation. All you have to do is follow along and most of the time you'll be surprised that its already been 30 minutes or that you've done 3 rounds. There are thousands of routines online to pick through on-line. I like Tone It Up, Alexa Jean Fitness and Pinterest for different options.

5. Music, Music, Music!: I'm the girl lipsyncing to Mariah Carey, Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande on the treadmill and moving her hips to Zac Brown Band, Avicii and Christina Aguilera while doing biceps. Whatever gets you grooving is going to make your workout better, guaranteed! I love listening to my favourite songs while doing cardio because even if they're heartfelt ballads it still distracts me from what I'm really doing since I'm too busy imagining myself belting the song out on stage at MSG haha

What are your workout necessities?
Anything I should be giving a try?
Linking up with Amanda for favourites!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

September Love List

//waiting for the ferry to Victoria//

What I Watched: The season premier of Survivor and the finale of Big Brother. I've got a thing for CBS reality TV, it's my little escape throughout the week. Brandon hates both of these shows so it ends up being "me time" snuggled up with a cup of tea. I think the finale of BB ended perfectly and I'm super excited for this "all-star" season of Survivor, although c'mon people you voted out Vytas before Abi!!!?

What I Snapped: Bear lounging. He seems to take after me and needs/wants all the soft fluffy things.

Who I Loved: I recently fell in love with CellaJane. Her style is so effortlessly chic. She's been giving me some great fall inspo.

What I Wore: Sweaters! Since the temperature has started to drop, I've found it so cozy to rock a big baggy knit sweater with leggings when I'm lounging around the house. My fav is a few years old but this one is similar.

What I Did: Picked up my fitness game. I'm thinking October is going to be a great month exercise wise simply because I got my groove back this month! Well, definitely towards the end of it haha. I've been rocking some great playlists and challenging myself with new sets and cardio. Bring it on!

What I Ate: Tapas! Two nights in a row we had the pleasure of enjoying a variety of tapas this month. From mussels, to yam gnocchi to flank steak everything was so amazing. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

What I Drank: Yorkshire Tea. at night in a tea-cup with lots of milk. mmmmmm

Where I Went: Brandon and I headed over to Victoria on Vancouver Island one weekend to visit his sister and her boyfriend. It was perfect weather and it was so nice to catch up with such a beautiful couple. We had lots of laughs, drinks and food (too many of one of those) and when we left I was already looking forward to the next visit!

What I Heard: Drag Me Down - One Direction. I've shamelessly listened to these guys for a few years now but if their past albums didn't do it for you I'd highly suggest giving this song a listen just to witness their development. Its a great tune and is a fav for the car ride to the gym.

What I Used: I've been baking up a storm as of late and have been loving my KitchenAid mixer. 1000x easier to mix and somehow cookies taste better!? Plus I'm obsessed with the splatter of white flour against the Royal Blue colour of mine. #housewife

How did your September go? Any favourites this month? See my August Loves here!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I Heart Weekends Like This


A little bit of a late weekend recap, but its only mid week so I'm deeming it still appropriate.

Friday evening Brandon and I had a stay-at-home date night filled with re-watching Limitless (in preparation for the tv series - I give most new series a chance) and a little fire outside. It was a super clear evening and it wasn't too cold yet so some favourite songs, a cozy blanket and a couple of beers started off our weekend on a great foot!
Saturday was mostly lounging and chores. In the evening, we went to see Black Mass with Brandon's parents. I've always loved a good mob movie, expecially with Johnny Depp at the helm but if my opinion counts for anything, I'd suggest making this a home watch. It was a cool inside view of a pretty notorias kingpin in the 80's but it was kind of anit-climatic and doesn't require the movie theatre vibe.

Sunday Brandon and I went on an adventure downtown! We started at the Vancouver Antique Market, which is pretty much the coolest place ever. Any rustic, industrial or antique furniture lovers should absolutely check it out.

We ended up finding a piece for our living room, to house the electronics and pretty things but i'll show you it when its installed and ready to be photographed :) After convincing ourselves that we didn't need everything in the store we decided to head out and find a cute lunch spot for some tasty grub and a few pints.
We ended up at Bier Craft on Commercial Drive and were lucky enough to get a table on the patio. It was perfect for people watching and coming up with fun fall plans. Days like this are truly my favourite. Good company, good food and no schedule make me a very happy weekender.

Hope yours was a great as mine! What did you get up to?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Straight Outta Date Night

Oh how I love long weekends. Brandon and I opted for a low key one and it really helped recharge my batteries. Between relaxing, cleaning, organizing and gym sessions we managed to sneak in a quick date night.
Typically Brandon and I are pretty low key so a classic dinner and a movie is about as crazy as we get for nights out and this past Saturday was no exception. We enjoyed a lovely dinner at Famoso Pizza and then finally got to understand what all the buzz was about with Straight Outta Compton. 
My opinion? It's definitely worth a watch simply for the pop culture references and to have a better understanding of a world that I honestly knew nothing about. NWA originated when I was just a baby but I obviously know who all the members are. That just goes to show how much impact these men had on the music industry. I mean I'm a country lovin' Canadian girl who can still be moved by intense but passionate Californian rap artists with something to say about their reality. Relatable? no but understandable? Yes.